Adjusting to Life with Invisalign

Dental Implants in Chicago

invisalign Chicago

Invisalign has become a popular choice for teens and adults who need teeth straightening. The Invisalign system allows for a more comfortable fit and less change to your daily lifestyle. Here are some ways you will have to adjust to Invisalign.

Eat Like Normal
One of the biggest benefits you will find with Invisalign is the ability to continue eating and drinking what you want. With regular braces that employ wires and brackets, the patient can’t eat sticky foods like caramel or gum. Often, popcorn is off the list, as well. With Invisalign, you can take the plastic aligners out whenever you wish to eat or drink.

Floss Like Normal
Along with not having to change your eating habits, you will be able to floss and brush your teeth normally when you choose Invisalign. Wired braces require the floss to be threaded under the wires so that each tooth may be flossed. Depending on the patient’s personality, this can become frustrating, and the patient may not do as good of a flossing job as they should. Do not let yourself become a victim of this frustration. Ask your dentist about Invisalign, and keep flossing regularly.

Replace the Aligners
Once your dentist has identified the appropriate treatment plan, and the molds of your mouth have been made, you will receive several plastic aligners. You will wear each set of aligners as often as possible for about two weeks, only removing them to eat, drink, or take care of your teeth. According to your treatment plan, you’ll change out the aligners every two weeks, and your smile will begin to position itself in the correct way. You will check up with your dentist every six weeks or so to make sure everything is moving correctly.

With University Associates in Dentistry, you will find many services provided by our experienced and compassionate dentists. Whether you are in need of porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, or Invisalign near Chicago, we have everything you’ll need from a dentist . Call us at (312) 704-5511 to learn more about our Invisalign services.

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