What Exactly Is Sleep Apnea?

Dental Implants in Chicago

Sleep apnea occurs when the airway is obstructed or breathing is otherwise disrupted during sleep. With obstructive sleep apnea, the most common form, the throat collapses on the airway during rest, cutting off the supply of oxygen. Sleep apnea is a serious condition with many potentially significant consequences. Fortunately, your dentist has solutions that could help you get the rest you need.


Sleep apnea sufferers frequently wake up hundreds of times each night in apnea episodes in which they gasp for air. The episodes happen so quickly that sufferers may not even be aware that they are happening and may not know that they have sleep apnea until a partner tells them. If it is not treated, sleep apnea can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, depression, heart disease, and other health problems.


At University Associates in Dentistry, we can help patients overcome sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy. Find out how our dentists in Chicago can help you get a better night’s sleep by calling (312) 704-5511.

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