A Look at the Real Causes of Cavities

Dental Implants in Chicago

You may already know that bacteria cause tooth decay. That’s true, but it’s not quite the whole story. As your dentist can explain, your mouth contains its own microbiome, which is a community of microorganisms. Some of those bacteria are harmful. They form plaque, which is a biofilm that sticks to the teeth.


You can get the details about biofilm by watching this featured video. You’ll learn that as the microbes digest the sugary foods you eat, they release acid as a waste product. The acid demineralizes the enamel on your teeth, causing tooth decay.


If it’s been too long since your last professional teeth cleaning and exam, schedule an appointment with a general dentist near Chicago right away. Call University Associates in Dentistry at (312) 704-5511, and continue browsing our website to find out more about general and cosmetic dentistry.

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