A Quick Look at the History of Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Chicago

You might think of dental implants as a modern innovation in dental care, but the benefit of replacing lost teeth has been recognized for thousands of years, as there is evidence of dental implants in artifacts of ancient civilizations dating back to 600 A.D. These early, primitive implants were made from all types of materials—including filed down stones and seashell fragments. Surprisingly, some of these were even fused to the bone despite the limited surgical technologies available at the time.

Dental implants that would be more recognizable today are a byproduct of the post-WWII era, during which artificial implants throughout the body were performing great feats in anatomical reconstruction. The official foundation of implant dentistry took place in 1948 when two physicians successfully created the first sub-periosteal implant. From this point forward, the changes seen in dental implants have been variations on the method of crafting a metal implant to be fused with the jawbone and capping the exposed metal post with a synthetic crown, often made from ceramic. Through the decades, surgical methods have become more refined to reduce the risks and discomfort of treatment and ensure a long-lasting restoration that closely matches the function of the natural teeth.

To discover the benefits of modern dental implants for yourself, schedule a consultation at University Associates in Dentistry, where you will find exceptional care with the Dental Implant Institute of Chicago. You can make an appointment with us online or call (312) 704-5511.

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